The MTW series highlights millennials of color across the country making a difference through social activism, entrepreneurship, local politics and social media.
Millennial Spotlight, Liz Magallanes
"I hope to be able to show the undeniable truth of people as people, not as sides of an issue. Because now more than ever it is crucial that the humanity in each person be
Summer Millennials to Watch 2k18 Series, Brandon Miller
"To me, being a millennial is all about being relentless in pursuing your passion. Many label millennials as selfish or entitled, but I look at it as - we know what we want, want makes
Summer Millennials to Watch 2k18 Series, Andrea Nicole Thomas
Andrea Nicole is a Lifestyle blogger, speaker, and photographer. She is an Austin native currently residing in Dallas. Her story to inspire others is compelling and this interview is a must read for all millennials.